“now, lea-ve me alone. i need some rest.(现在,不要再烦我了,我需要一点休息。)“
“don't you think he is upset for some reason, twin?(你有没有觉得尼克因为某些原因不太开心?)“杰基尔突然出声问道。
“yes he is upset. and guess why?(没错,他很不开心,来猜猜为什么?)”海德答道。
“the date today!(因为今天的日期!)”杰基尔开心地答道。
“oh my goodness! it's today! today is cy's birthday! the birthday of her 18!(天啊,是今天!今天是cy的十八岁生日!)“
“poor nick, he must be very sad for missing her birthday.(可怜的尼克,他肯定很伤心,竟然错过了她的生日。)”杰基尔捂着胸口悲痛地道。
“do you think he will shed his tears all over the room,twin?(你觉得他会不会流满一屋子的眼泪?)“海德有些恶劣地一笑,猜测道。
“or his blood?(或者流满一屋子的血?)“杰基尔有点担忧。
“okay. nick. listen. whatever you are doing in that room, clean it up when you finish. and try not to scare any staff here. it will be extremely embarrassing for us to get kicked out because of your nasty little hobby.