“we will need her for their information.(我们需要从她那里得到一些情报。)”
“don't worry. just lea-ve that part to duhem the dick. he, or his penis, will handle it.(不用担心,迪昂会处理好的。)”
“well, there is something i need to highlight for you.(有件事,我需要强调一下。)”
“since we are heading to the east, you need to remember that,(既然我们正要前往东方,你需要记住——”
“no f-word or d-word in front of cy. i remember that.(不许在cy的面前讲脏话,我记得。)”
“you know, i really think your whole no-dirty-words-education is a failure. she uses them more than i do recently.(我真心觉得你这个无脏话教育很失败,她最近讲这些的次数比我还多。)”
“and whose fault is that?(那你认为这是谁的错?)”萨拉斜睨了他一眼。
“definitely not mine. you are the person who in charge of her education, and alex is the librarian.(肯定不是我,负责她的教育问题的是你,负责教材的是亚历山大。)”
“and you are not helping. you know how much our girl is influenced by you.(但你并没有帮忙,尽管你知道你对她的影响有多大。)”
“well, influenced does not mean decided. she still ha-ve the chance to learn from other people , to make new friends, and to see a bigger world.(影响并不代表塑造,她依然可以学习新东西,认识新朋友,拥有更大的世界。)“