第(2/3)页 “baby i'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms” “barefoot on the grass listening to our favourite song” “when you said you looked a mess i whispered underneath my breath” “but you heard it darling you look perfect tonight” 李贤臻:“well i found a girl stronger than anyone i know” “she shares her dreams with me and i hope that one day i can make her a home” “i found a love to carry more than just my secrets” “take that love until you achieve something” “we are still kids but we're so in love” “fighting against all odds” “i know we'll be alright this time” “darling just hold my hand” “be your boy you'll be my girl” “and i see my future in your eyes” “baby i'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms” “barefoot on the grass” 孙承完:“we're listening to our favorite song” 李贤臻:“when i saw you in that dress” 孙承完:“looking so beautiful” 李贤臻:“i don't deserve this darling you look perfect tonight” 孙承完:“oh baby i'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms” “barefoot on the grass we're listening to our favorite song” “i have faith in what i see” “now i know i have met” 李贤臻:“an angel in person” 孙承完:“and she looks perfect” 李贤臻:“i can't help it” 孙承完:“you look perfect dashing” 围在周围的姑娘们、叔叔阿姨看着场中央俊男靓女深情对唱。 脑袋里纷纷出现四个字天生一对! 金珍妮对着金智秀问道:“智秀欧尼,你不吃醋?” “有点,不过没关系。” “why” “他早就给我写了一首情歌,我们早就对唱过了,还录了下来,打算过段时间就发表。” “⊙?⊙!” “欧尼,前几天你中途出去就是去录音。” 朴彩英:“欧尼,有机会能不能让欧巴也给我们写首歌。” “call,会不会太麻烦欧巴了。” “诶,你小看他啦lisa,他的曲库里多的是歌。” 加拿大安大略省列文治山某处住宅,孙氏夫妇看着对面深情高歌的李贤臻,时不时点点头,交耳互谈,破有种丈母娘看女婿,欣欣赏赏。 “好浪漫,谁要是能做到这样,我就嫁给他。” “你还想跟你妹妹抢” “怎么会,那可是我的血脉至亲,我最挚爱的妹妹。” “珠炫欧尼,欧巴是不是也给你写歌了。” “就你最聪明” 第(2/3)页